How to Animate a Logo for Free? Tips & Tricks

A logo is a picture that represents a company or product. For example, if you have watched an advertisement, you might have seen the brand's beautiful logo.

Further, if you want to create a great logo, you should know that it should be simple, straightforward, and effective. You should know the target audience for the logo and what the company is trying to accomplish.

In the present era, there is a constant demand for good-quality logo designs. A logo is a vital sign that represents your company's name. So, if your logo design does not represent your company, it won't yield the desired results.

Animating a logo is a kind of art that takes creativity and talent. But animating a logo is not as difficult as it seems. Nowadays, almost every person is using a smartphone with a different type of apps and games installed. So, now we are not far from animation.

Logo Animation is an art that adds life to a logo. It gives the feeling that the logo has movement. In addition, logo animation is a great way to make your brand image look more attractive and unique.

The logo animation is a new trend that is taking over the internet. You can use logo animation in various ways, from being a fun way to brand your company to create a memorable experience for your customers.

More so, logo animation is a short video that uses the logo's motion to tell the brand's story. In the 1990s, Disney popularised this technique, which has since been adopted by many other brands, including Adidas, Coca-Cola, and Nike.

Why Is Logo Animation Important?

Animation is an exciting technology that has recently gained lots of attention. It is the art of depicting a story through images and animations. A perfect logo animation will add value to the brand and increase its visibility in the market.

How To Animate a Logo for Free - You Would Love These Steps

You need to consider a few steps before free logo animation.


The first thing you should do is sketch. It will help you understand your logo's concept and how it will look on the website. Next, you should create a few sketches that will help you understand your logo's shape.

Add a Background

Once you've drawn the logo, you'll need to add a background.

Vector Design

After background, you should create the first draft of your logo. Then, use your sketch as a reference and draw the final version of your logo in vector format.

Color Choices

Color plays a significant role in creating a striking impression. Conversely, a simple color scheme can make your logo look dull and uninteresting.

Therefore, you need to make the color choices carefully. A color palette will help you to choose a perfect color combination.


The next step in your logo creation process is to use a suitable typeface. The typeface you use should complement the theme of your logo. It should also be compatible with your website and other branding elements.

Layering and Grids

Now you will have to add the layers and grids.

Choose an Animation Tool

Choose an animation tool for After Effects, Flash, or Premiere Pro.

Select the Right Settings

Choose the proper settings for your project. For example, if you're making a video, you may want to use a 30-frame-per-second rate.

Add Text

Add text to the logo. You can add text to the logo to make it look more professional.

Add an Object

Add an object to the logo. For example, you can add an object such as a flower or a butterfly.

Add Motion

Add motion to the logo. You can add motion to the logo by adding a movement to the object.

Final Words

Lastly, using the proper animation tools can make your logo animate in various ways. The best way to start is to experiment and find what works best for you. 

There are lots of different ways to animate a logo. One of the most popular is to use a graphic editor and add a background to it. It is an effortless way to make your logo animate. 

Another way to animate your logo is to use a 3D application like Blender, Cinema 4D, or Flash. There are also several online tools that you can use to animate your logo. For example, you can animate a logo using a drawing tool, an illustration program, or even an AI photo editor. Apart from this you can also check Animated Logos as well to get idea.


1. What is an animated logo?

The animated logo is a logo that looks like a cartoon character. The animation of the logo can be as straightforward or as complex as you want it to be.

2. How do I animate a logo?

You'll need to use a program if you want to animate a logo. The best programs to use are Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.

3. Why should I use an animated logo?

An animated logo is a great way to promote your business. You can use the animation to show off your brand or to make your logo stand out from the crowd.

4. How do I create an animated logo?

Once you've chosen your logo, you'll need to create an animation. Next, you'll need an animation program to create your logo.

5. How long does it take to create an animated logo?

Creating an animated logo will depend on the complexity of the animation. It can take as little as a few hours to create an animation that will look professional, or it can take days or weeks.

6. Where can I find free animations?

There are many places you can find free animated logos. You can find some in video format, and you can also find them in the form of a logo generator or as a functionality of an animation maker tools.

7. How do I use an animated logo?

If you want to use an animated logo, you can use the animation as a standalone logo, or you can use it to create a website.

8. What's the best way to animate a logo for free?

The best way to animate a logo for free is to use Adobe After Effects.

9. How do I make the animation look good?

You can make the animation look good by adding textures and colours.

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